Naples Commercial LEDs Business Growing

Growing Popularity of Commercial LEDs in Naples NiteLites of Naples is growing as the demand for Light Emitting Diodes or LEDs continues to expand. The NiteLites outdoor LEDs boast overwhelming popular energy efficiency, low cost, and a long life. The LED applications seem limitless including the preferable option with outdoor lighting. With the range of […]

Naples, FL

Lighting Solutions with Photos of Outdoor Living Areas

Our outdoor lighting in Houston business is owned and operated by landscape lighting designer, Rob Greening. Mr. Greening has a talent and passion for outdoor lighting in Houston. Recently in Kansas City, MO for our NiteLites National Outdoor Lighting Conference, he explained his technique for applying unique lighting for each property. He basically designs with […]

Houston, TX

Partnering with Arbor Day Foundation for a Free Tree Giveaway

April is a month filled with days to make communities healthier by participating in activities that are eco-friendly. On the 22nd of April, the 42nd Earth Day will be celebrated with millions of activities to help rejuvenate the planet. Earth Day is a chance for people to unite and continue towards a sustainable future. According […]

Cincinnati, OH

Tips to Repair and Replace Landscape Lighting Systems

NiteLites of Delaware explains the best ways to repair landscape lights installed by lower end outdoor lighting contractors. Right or wrong, there is a common perception that whomever sold you a certain product is responsible for replacing that product should it unexpectedly stop working. In the landscape lighting industry, there is nearly unlimited potential for […]

Myths and Buying Strategies from Nashville Landscape Lights Company

  Key buying strategies for homeowners looking for real value in top quality lighting design and installation. Below are some commonly held myths by consumers with helpful buying strategies from Nashville Landscape Lights Company. Myth: I can get a great, reliable outdoor lighting system for cheap. Deals are always tempting, and no one wants to […]

Nashville, TN

Ocean City Outdoor Lights—How Good Communication Is Vital to Successful Lighting Projects

NiteLites of Ocean City Outdoor Lights Company explains how good communication fosters successful lighting projects. Ocean City Outdoor Lights projects are often predicated on how well and how thoroughly the homeowner has planned prior to selecting a landscape lighting company. This is because landscape lighting projects for a “good” customer generally run more smoothly. Think […]

Why a NiteLites Landscape Lighting System Isn’t for Everyone

“One size fits all” doesn’t apply to outdoor lighting companies Owner of NiteLites of Charleston, Mr. Randy Greenhill, freely admits that his local outdoor lighting business is not for everyone. After many years of perfecting the art of landscape lighting, and his position as a business owner, Randy understands how some clients can be a […]

Charleston, SC

Indy Security Lights Company on the Downside of Providing Excellent Customer Service

I ndy Security Lights Company, NiteLites, on how excellent customer service can work against a local outdoor lighting business. Mykal Minor, owner of NiteLites of Indianapolis, provides exceptional customer service to his local market. With 29 “A” ratings on Angie’s List, there is no denying the NiteLites brand has made a positive impact on customers. […]

Indianapolis, IN

Naples Outdoor Lights Relays Importance of Spring Landscape Maintenance in the Naples Area

NiteLites of Naples Outdoor Lights reminds snowbirds to remember the importance of maintenance before summer. Naples outdoor lights business reminds snowbirds to schedule maintenance before heading north for the summer. It’s getting to be that time of year again when you start thinking about replanting your garden and fixing the little crack you’ve been noticing […]

Naples, FL