12 years ago

NiteLites of Jacksonville Landscape Lighting Business Offers Latest in LED Technology at NEFNGLA Show


The 21st Annual NEFNGLA Jacksonville Trade Show will offer educational sessions and information for Florida’s Nursery Growers and Landscape Association members February 9th and 10th.This trade show is hosted by the NEFNGLA and the Duval County Extension Service at the Jacksonville Fair Grounds. General admission for the Jacksonville Home Show is $10 per person. For information about the seminars offered by the landscape and nursery experts, visit http://nefngla.org.

NiteLites of Jacksonville Landscape Lighting specializes in commercial outdoor lighting solutions. Their expertise includes energy efficient LEDs for LEED certification. LED lighting systems are a crucial component to any business or organization seeking LEED certification. While no single product can certify a building as “GREEN”, NiteLites LED outdoor lighting fixtures offer tremendous advantages that may help contribute “LEED Points” toward LEED certified projects. NiteLites of Jacksonville owner, Trevor Rosendahl, stated, “Outdoor LEDs are playing a critical role in reducing energy consumption globally. The outdoor lighting fixtures NiteLites has developed are key to the lighting industry’s momentum in this “green” evolution. NiteLites will meet with landscapers, landscape designers, landscape architects at this important Florida landscape tradeshow.

NiteLites of Jacksonville Landscape Lighting provides energy efficient commercial lighting projects including: neighborhood entryways, municipal projects, apartment complexes, senior retirement centers, hotels and resorts, clubhouses, pools areas, parks and bike trails, luxury homes, town homes and condominiums, restaurants, marinas, schools and colleges, retail businesses, shopping malls, and warehouses and commercial storage facilities.

The NiteLites of Jacksonville LED lighting team is proud to be a part of the Jacksonville community, and is active in the revitalization of the business community. They also invest time and money in a wide range of Jacksonville charities throughout the year. This Jacksonville business also maintains professional memberships with The Better Business Bureau of Northeast Florida, The Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce, The Ponte Vedra Beach Chamber of Commerce, Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects and The Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association, The Northeast Florida Builders Association (NEFBA).

The NEFBA recently elected Paul Davison, NiteLites of Jacksonville Director of Sales and Marketing, to their Board of Directors. Mr. Davison’s formal induction will take place on January 6th.

For more information about this Jacksonville landscape lighting business and their electricity saving LEDs, call 904-779-9020.